View recent editions of The Penguin Post family newsletter - The Franconia Newsletter and other News You Choose messages.
¿Sabe que puede obtener información de la escuela en español? Los anuncios importantes ahora se envían en español, además del inglés a través del programa FCPS News You Choose. Haga clic en el título del evento para obtener mas información.
August 30 - Holiday September 2 - Holiday September 16 - Early Release October 3 - Holiday October 4 - Teacher Workday
Check out the 2024-2025 Franconia ES school supply lists identified by grade or program!
Join us for an informative evening at Back to School Night! We can't wait to see you there!
The all volunteer-run Parent Teacher Association (PTA) at Franconia Elementary is an active part of the school community. The organization has a vital role in supporting the school in many ways, including purchasing technology, funding school buses for field trips, and supplementing classroom resources.
We want your child to get the most out of their school experience! To open up a world of exciting activities and valuable opportunities, we need your collaboration. Please take a moment at the beginning of the school year to review and provide your consent through our easy-to-use Parent Digital Consent system.