Franconia ES Wednesday Word - 3/19/25
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Apologies for the delay - there was a technical issue which prevented the delivery of this message yesterday!Upcoming Events
- Monday, March 17 - Friday, March 21 - After School Clubs Start
- Friday, March 21 - Last day to buy yearbooks
- Friday, March 21 - World Down Syndrome Day
- Wednesday, March 26 - Music in our Schools Day
- Wednesday, April 2 - Spirit Night at Hangry Burger
- Friday, April 4 - FES Career Day, 1:00-2:30 PM. Rain Date: 4/11
- Wednesday, April 9 - Pyramid Art Show @ Edison High School, 5-7pm
- Wednesday, April 9 - Kindergarten Orientation, 6-7PM
- Thursday, April 10 - International Day Fashion Show 1:45 PM
- Thursday, April 10 - International Night 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM
- Saturday, April 26 - Franconia Elementary Spring Planting Event, 9a-12p
Fierce Friendships
Did you know that strong friendships not only make you happier, they also make you HEALTHIER! The health benefits of close friendships are especially strong in women.
Spend the day getting cozy with your friends in your PJs. All students and staff will get a friendship bracelet and learn about healthy friendships.
World Down Syndrome Day at Franconia ES! March 21
Franconia Elementary students will be celebrating World Down Syndrome Day. During each grade-levels’ specials block, classes will have the opportunity to walk, run, and move!
World Down Syndrome Day is a global opportunity to raise awareness and celebrate the unique abilities of individuals with Down syndrome. We are EXTRA lucky to have many connections to the Down Syndrome community right here in FES!
Why Participate?
- Raise awareness about Down syndrome and promote inclusion.
- Show support for our students and community members with Down syndrome.
- Enjoy a fun and active event.
How You Can Help:
- Wear Crazy Socks! Socks are a chose symbol because the karyotype of Down syndrome chromosomes looks like mismatched socks. Show your support and join in the fun!
- Wear Blue and Yellow! The official colors of Down Syndrome Awareness
Music in Our Schools Spirit Day March 26
Dress in the style of your favorite music genre! Get groovy in 60’s gear. Wear a cowboy hat and boots if you love country music! Show off sequins if you want to be a pop star! Or choose another genre you love; just have fun!
International Day/Night International Day Fashion ShowWalk the Red Carpet in Fashion!
Franconia Elementary will be holding an International Day Program on Thursday, April 10, 2025 at 1:45pm. We are looking for students who are willing to walk the red carpet and model their culture-based outfits at the International Day Assembly. Interested students must have a signed permission form and a completed description on the origin of the outfit and any additional information about the outfit. Filling out this form confirms that you will be in the Fashion Show.
Mrs. Yortzidis will be sending out a message via Talking Points with information how to sign up. Stay tuned.
International NightJoin us the evening of April 10 for International Night, 6:30pm-8:00pm
We would love for our parents and community to be a part of this memorable event. Sign up using the link below:
Families can choose to participate by:
- Presenting a display (poster board) about a country of your choice.
- Sharing food and/or artifacts from the country of your choice.
- Teaching students how to play a game played in a country of your choice
Mobile Businesses Wanted For Franconia's K-2 Career Day Friday, April 4
Franconia Elementary School will be hosting Career Day entitled “Oh, the Places You’ll Go” inspired by Dr. Seuss. The event will be held on Friday, April 4th ( Rain date, Friday April 11th from 1:00-2:30).
On Career Day, you are invited to share your vehicle! This will give students the opportunity to touch and explore different vehicles' while learning about your career. If you have a vehicle for students explore and love speaking to young children, then we need you! If interested, please complete the Google Form HERE.
The last day to submit your interest is by Monday, March 24th. Please feel free to forward this form to interested parties. For further questions, please contact school counselor, Veronica Guillion at 703-822-2200. ( examples of vehicles are: limo services, food trucks, energy and gas trucks, tractor, gaming truck, or pet mobile).
PTA News and Updates Fancy Pants Dance (K-4) - PostponedWe will have to postpone our scheduled Fancy Pants Dance until a later date. If you'd like to assist with this event, we'd love the help! Please reach out to us via the contact form on our site here or, reach out to the PTA President.
Spirit Night @ Hangry Burger
Join us on April 2, 2025, from 4-8 PM at Hangry Burger for a delicious way to support our school! Whether you dine in or grab takeout, 15% of sales will go directly to our PTA!
🚨 Important: Delivery services like Uber Eats & DoorDash won’t count toward our fundraiser, so come by in person or order takeout!
After School Enrichment Clubs
We're excited to announce that our Monday PE club is now open to 2nd through 6th graders, and registration is still available. The first session was a hit, and the kids had an absolute blast! We highly encourage our more active students to join in. See more information here:
We’re looking for a few parent volunteers to help with various vendor clubs. The role is quite simple—mainly taking attendance to ensure all children are accounted for. If you're interested in assisting, please reach out to Vice President Emily Kerwin at [email protected].
A few other reminders:
- Parent Pick-Up: If you are picking up your child at the conclusion of their club, please use Door 7 (Kiss & Ride), located at the back of the school near the teachers' parking lot.
- SACC Participants: If your child is enrolled in SACC, our teachers or vendors will ensure they are dropped off directly to the SACC room.
- Dismissal Time: All clubs conclude at 4:35 PM. Please make every effort to be there on time for pick-up. Many vendors have policies on pick up time and late fees, which they should have shared with you separately.
- Dismissal Roster: Rosters have been provided to both the school and the SACC team, so all educators and aftercare providers are informed of any adjustments to dismissal.
Celebrate Women’s History Month, Ramadan, St. Patrick’s Day and more! Find the Bingo Board here:
Library volunteers needed
Volunteers are needed to help shelve and straighten in the library. Walk-in volunteers are welcome anytime during the school day! Stop by or email the librarian, Debby Vandersande, at [email protected] to get started!
Music Corner Mark your calendars for the upcoming musicals: Spring Music Concerts featuring our Band, Chorus, and Strings Students:
Band and Chorus Combined:
Monday, May 19th at 6:30 (Call time for Chorus Students is 5:45 / Band Student Call time is 6:00)
Strings: May 27th at 6:30 (Call time for students 6:00)
Franconia Penguin Performers Present:
May 1st and 2nd at 6:30
Stay tuned for ticket sale information!
Attention all Kinder and 1st Grade Families!
Mark your calendar for our FREE 25 minute mini-musical featuring YOUR CHILD!
Thursday May 29, 2025
- 1st Grade Musical: 9:10 am - 10:10 am
- Kindergarten Musical: 11:10 am - 12:10 pm
This past Tuesday evening at Lewis High School, 14 Franconia Band students performed as members of the 2025 Greater Springfield-Franconia Area Honor Band! It was a wonderful concert, and along with our families and school staff was attended by special guests including FCPS Superintendent Dr. Michelle Reid, Franconia School Board Representative Marcia St. John-Cunning, and School Board Member at Large Ilryong Moon!
4TH ANNUAL HAYFIELD SECONDARY CRAFT FAIR Saturday, April 5, 10:00-4:00 7630 Telegraph Rd Alexandria, VA
The event will have over 100 vendors offering tons of handmade and unique items. The silent auction will be filled with sporting event tickets, rounds of golf, a FULL braces package from First Impressions and LOTS of other fun items!
Be sure to come hungry as there will be plenty of sweet treats and a variety of food trucks to satisfy any palate! You can also get your picture with the Easter Bunny!
FREE ADMISSION FOR EVERYONE!***All proceeds from the event will benefit the Class of 2025 All Night Grad Party. The ANGP will be at The St. James in June and will be a FUN, alcohol/drug/tobacco and SAFE event for our graduates! If you would like to donate a special item (or two!) to our silent auction, please email us at [email protected].
Franconia Elementary Spring Planting Event FES GARDEN AREA
6301 Beulah St,
Alexandria, VA 22310
Questions? Email Renee Octaviano at: [email protected]
Come help us put our new plants in our garden beds. We will also be building one more boarder for the milkweed patch in the field. Please bring gardening tools to help us complete the jobs. If you have a wagon, please bring it to the event. See you there!
Community: FREE Child ID Card Event
When: Saturday, March 22, 2025 from 10a to 5:30p
Where: John Marshall Meeting Room 1, John Marshall Meeting Room 2
With the help of the Fairfax County Sheriff’s Department, create an ID Card for each of your children. The card will include: a child’s height, weight, fingerprints, and a photograph. To protect the privacy of the family, none of the information is retained by the Sheriff’s Office. You keep the card. If your child goes missing, this card could be offered to assist law enforcement agencies to find your child. The children have fun helping to create the card and have a positive experience with local law enforcement officers.
No registration required. The wait line for ID's will be counted at 5:00 p.m..
Only people that can have their ID completed by 5:30 may remain in line.
Please plan to arrive before 5:00 in order to be sure that you receive your child's ID.
Paws 2 Read 2Attention independent readers. Read aloud to a certified therapy dog. Register for a 15 minute slot. Bring a book to read or choose one from the library. Willey is certified and trained through PAL (People. Animals. Love.). Ages 6 - 12. Registration reqired. Please arrive early or on time. If you find out that you will be unable to attend, please cancel so that someone on the waiting list can be offered your time slot.
Please register ahead here
2025 CTE SUMMER ENRICHMENTCreate | Explore | Learn
The Career and Technical Education (CTE) office is once again planning engaging summer enrichment programs for students! For our current kindergarten to 5th grade students, we have Tech Adventure Camp. For our current 6th to 11th grade students, we have CTE Summer Academy.
Tech Adventure Camp
Current kindergarten through 5th grade students will explore the exciting program areas in Career and Technical Education (CTE) including Business/Marketing, Family + Consumer Sciences, Health + Medical Sciences, STEAM, and Trades.
Weekly Themes
July 7 - 11: Let’s Get Messy!
July 14 - 18: Crazy, Cool Careers
July 21 - 25: Exploring the Enchanted
For more information or to register, please visit the Tech Adventure Camp website:
CTE Summer Academy
Current 6th through 11th grade students will choose 4 classes each week and dive deeper into CTE program areas, develop skills, and explore careers.
We have course options for all CTE program areas. Classes and schedule can be found on our website! Classes offered through CTE Summer Academy are introductory and do not require previous knowledge of the content.
For more information or to register, please visit the CTE Summer Academy website:
Program Details
Cost - $275 per week
Dates - July 7 - 11; July 14 - 18; and July 21 - 25
Time - 8:30 am to 2 pm*Early drop off is available!
Location - Lake Braddock SS
Transportation from select FCPS schools is provided!
Calendar RemindersMarch
National Women’s History Month
Every year, March is designated Women’s History Month by presidential proclamation. The month is set aside to honor women’s contributions in American history.Learn more about the heritage months, celebrations, and traditions celebrated in FCPS. Read more about Women’s History Month in National Geographic Kids..
March 28 - Quarter End, Eid al-Fitr, and Teacher Workday
- Graphics: Social media | Newsletter | Spanish social
- Newsletter: Quarter End, Eid al-Fitr, and Student Holiday
Friday, March 28, is the last day of the third quarter. It is a full day of school for students.
All FCPS schools and offices are closed on Monday, March 31, for Eid al-Fitr. Tuesday, April 1, is a student holiday and teacher workday. See the complete school year calendar.
See the complete school year calendar.
Quick Links
- 2024-2025 School Year Calendar
- Visit the Franconia ES Website
- Report your Child's Absence
- Monitor your student's academics with a SIS Parent Account
- Join the Franconia PTA
Like our Facebook page
Follow us on Instagram
- Recognize a FCPS Employee at FCPS CARES. The FCPS CARES Program is an opportunity for families, staff, and community members to recognize FCPS employees for going above and beyond to help others and show they care. We invite you to submit your story, so we can all acknowledge the good work of FCPS employees at Franconia Elementary School.
6301 Beulah Street, Alexandria, Virginia 22310
Office: (703) 822-2200 | Attendance: (703) 822-2222